Saturday, November 23, 2019


Gibonni is a native of Split and extremely popular both in his own country and former Yugoslavia. Don't be fooled by the Italian title of Bella figura, bella pittura Beautiful figure, beautiful painting - the entire album is in Croatian. The artist has racked up over 45 years in his career as an artist and almost 40 albums. His music merges together rock, modern pop and traditional Dalmatian styles, with carefully written lyrics. After hearing their songs playing randomly a couple of times you will already find yourself able to recognise them. The two voices work well together, perhaps because they are both so different that they never dissolve into one voice. gibonni kad sam nasamo s njom

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The result is an original fusion which, in the early 90s - a particularly turbulent time in the Balkans - made him a legend among the Croatians.

Oliver - Kad sam nasamo s njom

Familijaone of the most popular albums in Croatia and its neighbouring countries, is a meeting place for what could be described artistically as 'a family but not a family'. The artist has racked up over 45 years in his career as an artist and almost 40 albums.

gibonni kad sam nasamo s njom

With this album, Gibonni has been brought to the attention of the international pop scene, thanks to artistic collaborations with Manu Katche, Geoffrey Oryema, Maya Azucena, Tony Levin, and Gaetano Curreri from Stadio. Oliver is a true legend, one of Croatia's most famous singers and musicians, but also well-known and venerated outside his home country. Kad sam nasamo s njom When I was alone with her is a classic love song by Oliver, backed by Antonio Serrano - an internationally famous Spanish jazz musician - on the harmonica.

Il poeta e il rocker dei balcani. Translated from Oliver e Gibonni: Don't be fooled by the Italian title of Bella figura, bella pittura Beautiful figure, beautiful painting - the entire album is in Croatian. After hearing their songs playing randomly a gkbonni of times you will already find yourself able to recognise them.

[eng] Oliver and Gibonni: Balkan poet meets Balkan rocker

Balkan poet meets Balkan rocker Published on November 7, Story by. Gibonni is nasammo native of Split and extremely popular both in his own country and former Yugoslavia. Oliver and Gibo, as they are affectionately known by fans, released the album Familijaa collection of nine songs written between andthe best way to celebrate their 20 years of close collaboration. This led to enormous success, particularly among young people.

gibonni kad sam nasamo s njom

In he was proclaimed the Croatian singer of the century by critics. Then tell your friends: Then, after staying away from a celebratory concert held in honour of the famous and symbolic bridge's reconstruction, he chose to organise a concert himself inwhere he was able to play the song in complete freedom: The two voices work well together, perhaps because they are both so different that they never dissolve into one voice.

gibonni kad sam nasamo s njom

They introduced their new record with a series of big concerts together, including Pula Arena on 27 AugustVienna in February nzsamo, and Ljubljana on 9 June Being a famous singer in former Yugoslavia has never exactly been simple, artists are at continual risk of being exploited for political purposes.

The latter is something of a calling card and he still performs it at concerts today, including his concert at the Olympia in Paris. Gibo opens the record with Onako, od oka Look at yourself with your eyesa classic rock ballad with a Balkan flavour. Their musical style and voice are unmistakable.

His music merges together rock, modern pop and traditional Dalmatian styles, with carefully written lyrics. Where is it written?

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