Friday, November 29, 2019


The only company to come even close to that was DEC, years prior, but nobody perfected it so throughly like SGI engineers. They raised an entire generation of IT professionals and taught them what it takes and what it means to be an engineer. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. And some people are more interested in writing those textbooks, than in personally getting their ideas into production systems. When you've got a handful of large corporate customers that depend on a product, you can continue to extract money out of them for years or decades without the product having a future. Yes they did, the USB subsystem in Solaris is an infamous fuck-up of epic proportions. Annatar 3 months ago Sun Microsystems literally invented the network is the computer. joyent smartos

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That this came from a company essentially selling mini computers. Better to accept that their old-school big Unix development model is a thing of the past and put those efforts to something more practically useful, like FreeBSD. SmartOS has several types of zones, also referred to as containers. Ahh yes, knew I jotent forgetting an important one I am not a Sun Microsystems alumni.

What does supporting and, at a time in the past, basically running Node. But the ideas themselves will be better-developed for having had time to stew in the same pot as other novel ideas. You seem to believe a shitty general key-value store with no SQL interface and no ACID guarantees qualifies as a distributed system, which is terribly shallow and misguided. Or, to put that another way: Everything else will be buried in history or 42nd page of Google search results.

SwellJoe 3 months ago This is just smarts ignorance. If there had been less ideological fervor and with Samsung's backing, maybe they could've offered more serious competition to the incumbents, but the Solaris style oozes out of Joyent's every pore.

My real issue with them is hubris.

Archive for the ‘joyent’ Category

A completely fault tolerant, distributed system which can correctly arbitrate a write to a single shared resource usually a file or even smarros block from multiple nodes at the exact same time is a problem which has not been solved correctly yet, to the best of my knowledge and belief. See the mailing list and blogs hosted here.

Your comments on this thread made it crystal clear that you are not familiar with the subject matter: It was in context of talking about a rewrite into another language to make something more maintainable and performant. That was a pretty common pattern at Sun.

joyent smartos

FreeBSD's jails and illumos's zones have always been far, far superior technically, providing actual kernel encapsulation and coherent administration utilities, but Docker had the triple combination of the familiarity of Linux, the cute whale, and the bonfire of VC dollars to drive adoption.

DEC already had real clusters doing real work before Sun did. Posted on June 25, at 6: To explain how hard that was to get right, and that if we messed it up, customers only really care that we messed it up.

Their usability is much nicer though Not to mention that Cantrill himself smartox also clearly a nerd, so "nerd-hating" is a bit of a weird statement. Technologists certainly tend to seek solutions, and find blame in technology or the application of it.

Annatar 3 months ago "but it's joyenh sad to see a technically visionary set of products reach a dead end" It's not a dead end since any company, public or private can use the code and the product I for instance build my own modified SmartOS from source to power their infrastructure.

Joyent SmartOS TZ Hyprlofs nm memory corruption

Sun was definitely a player in that space and made some seminal contributions, but to say they were the first even to think about it is unmitigated BS.

If they were technologically arrogant, they earned it: Annatar 3 months ago You know he hates unikernels, so this must be some smartox of an internal jab.

I work on provisioning tools, I use all of them.

joyent smartos

There was more to life back then than computers. For example, Bryan Cantrill, Joyent's CTO, liked blaming Oracle's Larry Ellison for the demise of Solaris, on which Cantrill had worked, but by the time Ellison acquired the failing Sun, Solaris, cool technology and all, had been pretty much dead or dying for a while -- at the hands of Linux, and not much helped by the Sun attitude.

Joyet documentation is subpar, lots of the wiki reads more like an experiment than an actual documentation. This commoditize much of what Amazon was smargos with ECS. If we ignore the obvious counter-arguments GCC, Apache, nginx, arguably git, and so onand just joynt at your statement at face value -- you're saying that nobody from the largest free software community in the world has invented anything new in the past years.

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